Advancement Staff
Welcome to Jarvis Christian University! The Office of Institutional Advancement and Development serves to develop resources for College operations, programs, and support for students, capital development, and endowment.
The functions of Institutional Advancement and Development include alumni affairs, public relations, special events, annual giving, and major gifts acquisition. The staff works with all constituents of the institution to develop awareness, understanding, and support for the University’s mission.
Contact us if the values of Jarvis Christian University match your charitable interests. Giving to Jarvis will provide education opportunities for deserving students, and you will join many other individuals whose contributions support this 105-year legacy.
Our Mission
The mission of the Office of Institutional Advancement and Development is to develop awareness, understanding, and support for the University’s mission.
Our Staff
The Office of Institutional Advancement and Development has the responsibility of raising visibility of the University’s mission; cultivate friends to accept and provide financial resources to carry out said mission.
Our purpose is to make Jarvis a priority among our constituencies and the global community that will lead to desired levels of financial support and advocacy from public and private sectors.
In realizing this vision, we seek to create, sustain and support a climate of harmony, respect, and compassion that values innovation, empowers the individual, recognizes talent, celebrates achievement, and fosters a spirit of open communication, mutuality, collaboration, teamwork and fun!

Dr. Kenoye K. Eke, Sr.
Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Development