Church Perspective

Rev. Clarence Johnson, Senior Pastor and Congregation of Mills Grove Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Oakland, CA

Special Giving Areas of Interest

Rosae Washington Endowed Scholarship, General Scholarships, Jarvis Strong, General Fund, Grove Christian Church Fund, JCC Bible Chair, UNCF Jarvis Drive, and the 110th Year Anniversary

Sacred Scripture teaches, “in everything give thanks for this is the WILL of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” – I Thessalonians 5:18vs. As senior pastor, I am honored to share comments on why we at Mills Grove Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) support Jarvis Christian University (JCU).

Our spiritual and financial support of JCU as a Christ-centered educational institution for higher learning connected to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada is an expression of our deep and abiding appreciation of the faithful service Jarvis has given to the Body of Christ by teaching young people, who are repositories of hope, the importance of preparing their minds, bodies, and souls to be effective and productive leaders in the 21st century and beyond. In addition, there is a historical bond between JCU and Mills Grove Christian Church. The second president of Jarvis, Dr. Peter C. Washington along with his wife Mrs. Rosae Caldwell Washington in 1949 organized Second Christian Church here in Oakland, California, which became Grove Street Christian Church-Berkeley, California. In 1975, the church merged with Mills Terrace Christian College becoming what is now Mills Grove Christian Church. Moreover, Mrs. Doris M. Barrett, a member in good standing here at Mills Grove Christian Church is a former Miss Jarvis Christian College and a longtime participant with the local Jarvis Alumni Group here in the Bay Area. Mrs. Barrett and her husband, Bobby are also strong annual financial supporters of Jarvis Christian University.

As People of Faith, we believe that the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God of all Creation is made of One Blood of All Nations of People; therefore, we are all part of One Family supporting the sanctity of All Human Life and it is our Duty and Stewardship responsibility to give and share a portion of the Abundance we have received by the grace and mercy of our loving Maker in whom we live and move and have our being.

We extend our sincere congratulations and best wishes to President Pruitt, the administration, faculty, staff, students, parents, guardians, and supporters who like those of us at Mills Grove Christian Church (DOC) salute Jarvis Christian University, especially as we prepare to celebrate its historic 112th Anniversary Year.